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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Woche 60- Home sweet home...

Liebe Familie!
Oh how good it is to be home again! and when i say home i mean Singen- my home :)
This week was CRAZY! Unfortunately- we didnt really get to work with any of our investigators until sunday because we were so all over the place. But ill get to that.
But before i do that:
Thank you so much to all those who wished me a happy birthday! im 20!! AHH!
Here was my week:
Monday- i bought a suit. a european suit. Its shiny blue and very slim cut.... i guess you could say its was a birthday present for me... its my birthday suit :) hehehe ok bad joke. 
tuesday and wednesday i went up into the black forest to do an exchange with Elder Horlacher (my companion from St. Pölten) for the last time! He goes home this week! I cant believe so much time has past and its already time for him to go. It was really great to work with him again before hes done- hes like a hero to me! 
Wednesday night, we had an appointment, but it fell out, so our joint teach was driving us home when he said he needed to stop by the gurneys to pick something up... well. we walk inside... SURPRISE! The gurneys and the sisters threw me a surprise birthday party, and the member and elder garrett were in on it! Those guys are so nice! 
Well... thursday through saturday was the big adventure! We left for Munich thursday morning and got in in the evening for the leadership meeting. that went until friday afternoon, and we rode a bus from Munich to Stuttgart. a bus. 4 hours. not the worst thing ever- but not the best option either haha. We spent the night with the Stuttgart elders, and then we prepped the next day for the big stuttgart finding day! I was gettting butterflies before we started- but we just went right onto the busiest part of stuttgart and with 70 missionaries and about 40 members we are just started reading the book of mormon! then after 15 minutes of silent reading, we all stood up and sang a few hymns and then we just went to town on the streets of stuttgart! we found 71 people all together in 2 hours! 
We werent able to leave stuttgart until 830 though... with a train planning to arrive in singen around 11. Well- there was a soccer game in stuttgart that day- Stuttgart vs. Dortmund- so the trains home were FILLED with drunk angry soccer fans. we had to change trains in Rottweil, and our connection was a tiny, one car train. Well, so many people tried to squish on this train- there was literally no more room on that tiny train- and there were about 30 of us still on platform who couldnt get on. well the train left after they barely shut the doors and we were stuck in Rottweil- with the next train leaving at midnight. well the gurneys saved the day and came and picked us up from Rottweil (its about 45 minutes from singen). Crazy day. Oh yeah, and the whole time we were lugging around HUGE suitcases full of books of mormon because we were bring supplies back for our Zone. PLUS it was fast sunday so we were fasting. PLUS we just did day light savings here so we lost an hour of sleep that night. fun memories haha. 
Athena came to church (the woman from China)- she told us that she things our church is the best and most right church. BUT she doesnt want to be baptised, because a few months ago she had a dream about baptism, and she was baptised in this dream, and she believes that that baptism counts for her. so now were are working on explaining that was a sign, not an actual baptsim. 
All in all, we are excited for this next tranfser, and excited to work in singen again. finally!
I love you all, thanks for everything!
Adventure is out there!
Elder Bartholomew

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